Hereby www.degustabruzzo.com intends to provide information on how the site is managed in relation to the processing and protection of the personal data of the subjects (users) you navigate through, with direct access from the home page or from the inner pages.

This document is intended as, as indeed, disclosure complies with the provisions of article 13 Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Code regarding the protection of personal data). This has value only and exclusively for this site and not to other sites visited by users through active links in the pages of this website. By simply browsing the site can be collected data referring to identified or identifiable.

Data Controller
The data controller is the “DegustAbruzzo Association” based in Cupello (Ch).


Data supplied directly by you.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of data as required by various sections of this site are used in order to give effect to user requests (for example, when requesting information or explanations by writing to e-mail addresses info@degustabruzzo.com): per information users register for the newsletter of activities related to "DegustAbruzzo" (details and tourist tour updates, guided tours, new events scheduled, General news about the project "DegustAbruzzo”).

Nature of providing data.
Except for navigation data required to give course to computers or communications protocols, the transfer of personal data by users is free and optional. However, the failure to provide the same data will make it impossible to proceed to requests made or that the user intends to submit.

Treatment Modalities.
The data collected through the site are processed through information and computer systems. The data are stored in an "Archive Users" of www.degustabruzzo.com. I'm still sure all safety measures provided for by Decree 196/2003 and attachments.

rights of.
Interested users can assert the rights provided for in Articles 7 e ss. Del Decree. 196/2003 in any way, sending its request to the following e-mail address: info@degustabruzzo.com requesting the cancellation of their data.